Our Board and CEO
Funda Ozenc
Deputy Chair
Appointed Deputy Chair February 2024.
Joined Board July 2023.
Joined Board July 2023.

Funda is a Quality and Governance executive and currently Executive General Manager of Quality and Clinical Excellence at one of Victoria’s largest aged and disability providers, VMCH. Funda establishes and embeds enterprise-wide quality, risk and clinical governance frameworks, systems, policies, and procedures, translating strategic vision into operational practice and excellence. She advocates for promoting a culture of inclusion, customer centricity, and service delivery based on best practice, clinical data analysis, consumer consultation and innovation to marginalised populations.
Funda is a transformational leader with nearly 20 years of experience across diverse industries, including community health, aged care, disability services and IT in non-profit and listed companies. She holds an MBA in Human Resources and Marketing, a Bachelor of Arts, a Post Graduate Diploma in Leadership and Management and a Diploma in Nursing. She is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. With over a decade of experience on Boards in her senior and executive roles, Funda has a deep understanding of and appreciation for governance and stakeholder management. She is deeply committed and passionate about empowering marginalised populations through her role as a Board member at Refuge Victoria.

Professor Heather Douglas AM
Appointed Secretary November 2023.
Joined Board July 2023.
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Joined Board July 2023.