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Animal interactions are being increasingly used in the treatment of trauma and a range of other mental and physical health challenges, and have proven to be effective, particularly in children and young people. That’s why Refuge Victoria has introduced animal therapy into our range of support services offered to families in refuge.

About animal therapy

Animal therapy comes in many forms and is based on research that shows animal interactions foster and develop concentration, selflessness, and teamwork and improve self-esteem, self-awareness, confidence, and empathy.

Equine therapy is particularly effective in helping people experiencing trauma or PTSD symptoms and starting the path to healing. It has been shown to reduce anxiety and break down the barriers that an individual may have built up as a result of trauma.

Didi’s Legacy: Refuge Victoria’s animal interaction and therapy program

For many of our clients, animal interactions and therapies are relatively new concepts, and introducing clients to the idea of animal-assisted therapy within the refuge setting is the best place to start.

During these sessions, the animals and handlers come into refuge and clients are able to interact with the animals. This allows our refuge staff to assess the responsiveness of clients and speak with them about furthering their support with additional animal therapy, such as equine therapy.

To the kids, animals are a welcome distraction; a chance to give and receive love freely and without negative consequences.

To their parents and the social workers, though, these programs are a vital step in recovery towards leading a life that’s safe and free.

  • Monthly
  • One-off

Support our animal therapy program with a monthly gift

An ongoing monthly donation to Refuge Victoria will help provide families in refuge with access to a range of animal therapies.

Support our animal therapy program with a one-off gift

One-off donations help Refuge Victoria to provide families in refuge with a range of animal therapy options.

About Didi’s Legacy

Refuge Victoria’s animal therapy program is made possible by Didi’s Legacy, a fund established by family and friends to honour the memory of their beloved Didi.