Over Easter, 180 very small and very cute new faces took up residence at the three family violence refuges run by Refuge Victoria – and they were enthusiastically welcomed by the children.
Knitting for the Needy created these gorgeous Easter chickens and chocolate eggs to spread some much-needed cheer to the families in refuge.
This generous donation from Knitting for the Needy is putting some joy back into Easter for the children and their mothers. It’s often at special times like Christmas and Easter, when families traditionally get together, that the reality of escaping family violence hits especially hard. It’s difficult to see advertisements showing loving, generous families enjoying Easter, when your own family experience is punctuated by pain and violence.
Yet, donations from strangers go a long way to restoring trust. When one child saw the chickens from Knitting for the Needy arrive, it was the first time refuge staff had heard him laugh since he had been there.
Whether they’re volunteers knitting up a storm, or businesses putting together hampers and gift packs, people who give to Refuge Victoria understand that every single gift means more than they can ever know to a family they’ll never meet.
Yet, while it might lack the colour and warmth of donated gifts, it’s often the financial donations that can really make a difference. Financial gifts allow Refuge Victoria to purchase and distribute resources to where they are needed, when they are needed, and also allow us to plan for the future needs of our client families.
If you would like to support the work of Refuge Victoria, your donation will be warmly welcomed.