Refuge Victoria joined leading LGBTIQ+ community-controlled organisations, Thorne Harbour Health and Switchboard to develop a program of family violence response specifically for LGBTIQ+ people. The need for a dedicated LGBTIQ+ refuge response stemmed from research that has highlighted entrenched barriers experienced by those seeking support.
Refuge Victoria has now launched a comprehensive program evaluation, which includes addressing barriers to family violence services, client feedback and outcomes, the role of partnerships, and recommendations. The evaluation clearly indicates the need for mainstream organisations to work with LGBTIQA+ community-controlled organisations to provide effective responses.
The evaluation also found that there is an overwhelming need for such a program and that the program effectively addressed barriers that prevent LGBTIQA+ victim survivors from accessing mainstream services including by building trust and knowledge of services and helping clients and services better understand how family violence is different for LGBTIQA+ people.
Evaluation of the Family Violence Refuge to Recovery for LGBTIQA+ People Program (Executive Summary)
Evaluation of the Family Violence Refuge to Recovery for LGBTIQA+ People Program (Full Report)