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Blind friendship

For companies who want to support families in refuge, the assistance most needed and appreciated is not always obvious. Take window furnishings, for example. 

Recently, Refuge Victoria was contacted by The Blind Factory, a leader in their industry and a company with a history of supporting charitable causes, offering support. “What do you need?” they asked us. Turns out, what we needed was blinds for our refuge properties and head office – and for a very good reason. 

Unsurprisingly, privacy is very important to families escaping violence. Good quality, effective blinds prevent people from seeing inside the properties and are essential to providing a sense of safety and security. 

As we explained the work of Refuge Victoria and the services we offer, The Blind Factory suggested specific types of blinds that could work well in particular rooms. For example, children receiving counselling often feel more comfortable in low sensory environments, and blinds that let in partial light were a good option for these spaces. 

The Blind Factory designed and created bespoke blinds for Refuge Victoria for the windows that were in immediate need and committed to supplying blinds across our refuge properties and transitional homes. They even organised the installation! 

We want to send a huge thanks to our friends at The Blind Factory, you guys are outstanding! 

If your business is interested in supporting Refuge Victoria, drop us a line at